This page lists the safety precautions that students and staff working around the lidar are required to take to maintain a safe working and learning environment.

Laser safety glasses

Laser safety

No laser wavelength is inherently "eye-safe". But, for a unit of energy density, some wavelengths are much safer than others. Laser safety glasses or goggles are required when working inside the REAL container when the transmitter is on. This is because the generation of transmit pulses begins with laser radiation at 1.064 microns wavelength before being converted to the considerably safer wavelength of 1.54 microns. Both wavelengths are invisible.

Steps for eye-safety

Fall safety

Sometimes we must work on the roof of the container to clean the window and mirrors in the lidar system's beam-steering unit. This requires setting up a ladder and working on top of the container. Fall protection harnesses must be worn and staff must be clipped in when working on the top of the container.


Steps to prevent falls

Using power tools (electric drills, saws, etc.)


Using manual tools

Sun and heat




High pressure gas and cylinders



Suggestions for additional safety tips? Please send them to Dr. Mayor.