Lidar Team, Instrument, and Scans
Lidar Group January 2023 Welcome to the CSU Chico Atmospheric Lidar Research Group website. Click here to learn more about who we are.

Group News

January, 2025: Cheyenne Young presents M2HATS boundary layer heights at AMS in New Orleans.

Fall, 2024: Construction Zone: Typhoon applied to REAL data from CHATS.

Summer, 2024: Construction Zone: REAL at M2HATS products are being placed here.

December 15, 2023: Shane Mayor and Mohammad Astaneh give oral presentations at AGU23.

Spring 2023: Preparing the REAL for the M2HATS experiment.

May 2023: Justin Hicks graduates and accepts position at the National Center for Atmospheric Research.

April, 2022: Dr. Mayor receives Chico State's 2021-22 Outstanding Research Mentor award.

Please contact Dr. Mayor if you are interested in working in the group.

August 2021: New NSF award begins. Link to NSF Award Abstract

June 2021: Four students are working on lidar projects in the new Science Building.

Winter/Spring 2021: We've moved to 212 SCI.

Group News Archive