In: 4:30 pm | Out: 6:45 am

Ongoing To-do List:
• Update Ex 6, 7, 8 text
• Repost Experiments 8 and 9
• Re-run all experiment scatters
Backup Sullivan files
Finalize scatterplot format
Best fit line issue
Pearson's R issue
• Convective case issue? (Waiting on feedback)

• Create color maps of bscans
• Determine NCAR LES z(x, y, zeta)
• Interpolate NCAR LES at constant z
In addition to the Pearson's R, I'm now simply calculating the average error over all the pixels. I also finished writing a function to plot a best fit line using the "least square method."

Finally managed to format this 6TB HDD; I has to use and external eSata dock for some reason. Globus is now transferring over the ~4GB of Sullivan's simulation.

Another finally: I got my scatterplots colormapped complete with colorbar and square equal aspect ratio view!

Atmospheric Lidar Research Group | California State University, Chico