In: 1:30 pm | Out: 11:00 pm | In: 12:00 am | Out: 1:00 am

Ongoing To-do List:
• Update Ex 6, 7, 8 text
Temporarily remove Experiment 8
• Repost Experiments 8 and 9
• Backup Sullivan files
• Best fit line issue
• Pearson's R issue
• Convective scatter slope issue

• Create color maps of bscans
• Determine NCAR LES z(x, y, zeta)
• Interpolate NCAR LES at constant z
Having some trouble with the analysis of Dr. Richter's convective case. The only remaining possibility I can see is that the slices he gave me are not actually 15 seconds apart. It looks like 9 seconds is more accurate. I emailed him tonight about it.
I also emailed Chis about finding a place to store Dr. Sullivan's simulation data. It's almost 4 terabytes of data, so it's no small task.

I did a good deal of research into finding a replacement for the Pearson's R; I need something that not only rates how linear a relationship is, but how far it is from the identity line.
I'm also concerned that the best fit line I began to use isn't what I'm looking for either. I finally just decided to write function that will calculate it. The function is almost finished.

Atmospheric Lidar Research Group | California State University, Chico