In: 11:00 am | Out: 5:30 pm | In: 11:00 pm | Out: 7:30 am

Ongoing To-do List:
• Create color maps of bscans
• Create custom matplotlib colorbar
Process/fix NCAR LES slices
Submit abstract to
• Update Ex 6 and 7 description
• Experiment on Richter's convective case
Update site "Development" section
Setup friendlier URL redirect
Add conference info to site
• Determine NCAR LES z(x, y, zeta)
• Interpolate NCAR LES at constant z
From the Sullivan paper, the horizontal domain of the NCAR LES is 3000 m x 3000 m.
From an email of his, he mentioned that he originally had 200 volume frames over 86 seconds, so I'll assume for now that the 100 he gave me are over 43 seconds. That would make the time step .43 s, meaning that I'll use frames 1 and 36, as they are about 15 seconds apart.

Today I figured out how to set up a php redirect to give this site a sorter url option. Right now it's, but changing it is simply a matter of renaming the directory /var/www/html/kb16.

Atmospheric Lidar Research Group | California State University, Chico