In: 1:00 pm | Out: 7:00 pm

Ongoing To-do List:
Determine argument range
• Research collaborative Latex platforms
Yesterday's overnight loop ran successfully, but I didn't learn much about the alpha value. It looks like with all other things constant, a = .01 is about right.
But that was more a test of my program than anything. Now I'll be running through multiple arguments to investigate regularization technique r=2 "divergence of (U,V)"
Here are my notes on possible parameter ranges:

r (int) 0-6
 0: L2-norm of U, V
 1: Horn and Schunck (first order)
 2: divergence of (U,V)
 3: laplacian of U, V
 4: gradient(curl(U,V))
 5: gradient(divergence(U,V))
 6: gradient(curl(U,V)) + gradient(divergence(U,V))
a (f) 0-0.05 ???
nD (int) 0-8
nE (int) 0-nD
nM (int) 1-38 (5-10)?

Atmospheric Lidar Research Group | California State University, Chico