In: 9:45 am | Out: 2:45

Ongoing To-do List:
• Install NetCDF API and Python interface (waiting on actual data)
Fix html file association
Get Typhoon to output NetCDF's (Actually outputs .inr binary files, or set "-format motion" for text)
Install fortran90 compiler (gfortran)
Install LateX interpreter (TexLive, texmaker)
• Host this log's images on Typhon
I got an email this morning from Dr. Richter with some helpful information. It sounds like he's willing to format his output data to whatever we require here, but I think I'll just request the raw binaries and write my own importer. He has fortran90 code to help with that. Although I don't have any experience with fortran, I know it's very straight-forward (primitive really; it's 70 years old). In any event, this is as good an opportunity as any to acquaint myself with it.

- Compile "hello.f90" into "hiworld":
gfortran -o hiworld hello.f90

It turns out Typhoon exports .inr binary files. There is very limited info on this file format online.
INR Notes
- Some specs:

Possible vector-field comparison graphic:
Atmospheric Lidar Research Group | California State University, Chico