Tyson Randall, M.S.

     I am a recent graduate of the Master of Science in Environmental Science program here at CSU Chico. My thesis research was in exploring fine-scale atmospheric gravity waves in the nocturnal boundary layer above an orchard canopy. These waves were detected by the REAL during CHATS in 2007. The REAL has the unique capability of observing the spatial characterisitics of these waves. During CHATS, complementary in-situ data was collected during the wave episodes which allowed me to analyze the environmental conditions (such as temperature, relative humidity, etc.) supporting these canopy waves and their dynamics.

Email: tnrandall@csuchico.edu

Lidar Data

Lidar scan revealing coherent wave-structures.This is one frame from a time-lapse Animation.

Tower Data

These plots show the nocturnal canopy gravity waves as they advect by the tower at a range of 1 km due south of the REAL.
27 April 2007
07:53:00-7:57:00 UTC

Plot of w-component from 27 April 2007

Above: Vertical velocities from in situ tower data during CHATS. Upward velocities in red, downward are in blue
Below: Horizontal velocities showing both speed and direction. Again, upward velocities in red, downward are in blue.

Plot of u- and v-components from 27 April 2007

Poster Presentations

American Meteorological Society's Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas January, 2013.

American Meteorological Society's 20th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence in Boston, Massachusetts July, 2012.


Randall, T., 2015: Observations of microscale gravity waves in the nocturnal boundary layer above an orchard canopy by a horizontally scanning lidar, Master of Science, Thesis, Environmental Science, California State University, Chico.

Randall, T. N. and S. D. Mayor, 2013: Observations of canopy waves above an orchard by a horizontally-scanning aerosol lidar. Presentation A43A-0213 in Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes and Turbulence Posters, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 8-13 December.

Randall, T. N. and S. D. Mayor, 2013: Lidar observations of fine-scale internal gravity waves. Poster presentation 715 in Sixth Symposium on Lidar Atmospheric Applications, 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 9 January, Austin, TX.

Randall, T. N., E. R. Jachens, and S. D. Mayor, 2012: Lidar observations of fine-scale atmospheric gravity waves in the nocturnal boundary layer above an orchard canopy. Poster Presentation at the American Meteorological Society<92>s 20th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, 9-13 July 2012, Boston, MA.

Mayor, S. D., E. R. Jachens, and T. N. Randall, 2012: Lidar observations of fine-scale gravity waves in the nocturnal boundary layer above an orchard canopy. Poster Presentation P01-15 at the 16th International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary-Layer Remote Sensing (ISARS), 5-8 June 2012, Boulder, Colorado.

E. R. Jachens, and T. N. Randall, S.D. Mayor, 2012:College of Natural Sciences Poster, 20 April 2012, Chico, CA


Canopy Waves webpage
Master's Thesis
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