In: 1:15 pm | Out: 2:15 am

Ongoing To-do List:
Write LES file importer
• Write .INR importer
• Write comparison algorithm
Write image output algorithms
• Write vector field output algorithms
• Troubleshoot Typhoon's TIF input problem
• Implement normalization across data files (and velocities?)
• Host this log's images on Typhon
• Install Wordpress
Did a lot today, see checklist below. Got some great images out of Richter's files, but I'm concerned they may have too much z velocity.

Typhoon Error
Images: 0) img001.tifTIFFOpen: img001.tif: Cannot open. [CImg] *** CImgIOException *** [instance(0,0,0,0,(nil),non-shared)] CImg::load(): Failed to open file 'img001.tif'. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cimg_library::CImgIOException' what(): [instance(0,0,0,0,(nil),non-shared)] CImg::load(): Failed to open file 'img001.tif'. Aborted (core dumped)

Atmospheric Lidar Research Group | California State University, Chico