In: 1:00 pm | Out: 9:00 pm
Ongoing To-do List:
• Create color maps of bscans
• Process NCAR LES slices
Submit abstract to
• Submit abstract to
• Update Ex 6 and 7 description
• Create custom matplotlib colorbar
• Update site "Development" section
Create direction test graphic
• Determine NCAR LES z(x, y, zeta)
• Interpolate NCAR LES at constant z
The code debugging will have to wait for tomorrow. I spent most of today planning for the semester, and trying to find a way to keep working here with the LIDAR group.
Dr. Mayor and I also submitted a last minute abstract for the upcoming AGU conference. We will most likely be presenting a poster there.
I did manage a little programming today; I finished the directional comparison graphic have been making off and on. I'll be ready for use as soon as I can create a good colormap to use with it.