In: 11:45 am | Out: 8:45 pm
Ongoing To-do List:
Give full resolution data to Typhoon
• Get animation into youtube format
• Fix experiment page for Safari browser
Run cutyphoon_server
Run python code on server
Preserve Experiment 1 code/resources
Modify code for Experiment 2
I got cutyphoon_server running today with the help of an example python script from Pierre.
Right now I'm running a few of my scripts on the Typhon server along with Typhoon, and saving the resulting vector field to a file. Then I copy the file to my local machine and run some python scripts to compare it with the LES data. Though a bit convoluted, this seems to be the best way to generate visuals. If we move toward a more numerical analysis, I will likely run the entire project on the server.
So far, the scaled results of cutyphoon_server are far better then that of cutyphoon. However, the speeds seem to be off for some reason:
Typhoon data created with:
./cutyphoon_server -port 60000 -nM 7 -nD 8 -nE 8 -r 1 -a 0.01