In: 11:00 am | Out: 8:00 pm
Ongoing To-do List:
Install Python Graphics library
• Install NetCDF API and Python interface
• Fix html file association
• Host this log's images on Typhon
• Get Typhoon to output NetCDF's
I recreated mine and Chris' success with typhoon today, and Dr. Mayor confirmed that it was a relevant process. Besides a bit of logistical prep work, I'm now waiting on Dr. David Richter at Notre Dame to send me some actual data to play with. I'm not certain file formats he will send.
The vector field output of Typhoon will be in NetCDF (.nc) format. It seems to be a multi-purpose format for storing arrays of data. There are several versions in main-stream usage, but luckily all .nc files contain a header describing the layout of their contents. Here are some links:
Official Page
Python interface to C API
Simple project overview: